• GeopoliticsHistory



    Hearts Of Iron 4

    So my latest hobby for the past week or so has been a grand strategy world war 2 game, hearts of iron 4 (or hoi4 if you don’t have much time). I actually bought the game ages ago cause a friend of mine had it and it looked interesting, but because it’s such a complicated mess of systems and I was overwhelmed I really only sat down and learnt how to play recently. And boy howdy have I learnt how to play (pretty poorly but we will get to that).

    (For a bit of background in the game you pick a country and you start playing as that country, waging wars, building industry, changing the government and so on. It starts you off in 1939, and because I generally have the ‘historical focuses’ option ticked, other countries will follow what they did in real life at that time) The tutorial for the game is what I started off with. It makes you pick Italy because they start off at war with Ethiopia so it gives you a chance to learn the ropes and such. Long story short, it took me 3 restarts and many desperate last stands before I finally got a hang of the combat and managed to defeat and conquer of all Abyssinia. Wasn’t a great start but I had a good grasp of the game by that point. Anyway, in my infinite wisdom (and presumably the high that came from actually winning a war) my next goal was war with Germany. This ended as you might have expected, I was overrun in a matter of months and a civil war started.

    After that stunning performance I decided to take it a bit more slowly and tried focusing a bit more on the conquering land through the games focus trees, diplomacy and decisions mechanics. This led to me to guaranteeing Austrias independence (I think I was a bit salty about the last run) to try and contain German expansion, this once again, went basically the way you would expect, Germany tried to take over, I tried to stop them, I failed. But by this point I had actually learnt a bit about combat and was doing reasonably well in defending my territory (the Germans were still advancing mind you, just slower than they otherwise would have). It probably also helped that I had managed to secure the annexation of Albania and was puppeting Yugoslavia. Either way, that run ended the same way as the last, civil war, giving up, starting over.

    After my failed attempts at running Italy I decided to try my hand at the night USSR! With a stunning industrial base and a virtually unlimited supply of troops the soviets are apparently a really good beginner country to play. In my run I tried to follow the advice of people online, I built up my factories and developed my industry ahead of the upcoming conflicts. My mistake was trying to do to many things at once, I was trying to conquer the Baltic countries, go to war with Finland, and preemptively invade Germany, all at the same time. In the end, I got bogged down in Finland for longer than I needed to, foolishly denying a peace offer, thinking I could afford to take the rest of the country, and then when Germany invaded, I had no real plan as to how to counter it and eventually just gave up. Either way, not an amazing run but I learnt never to say no to a peace offer.

    Now we get to my current run, Australia! Immediately after starting I realised that Australia didn’t have much in the way of infrastructure and factories, meaning it would be harder for me to wage war and such. I am doing my best to rectify this by just building as much as I can, developing until I can create a decent base to work on. In the meantime I started steering towards communism! Joining the Comintern and turning New Zealand into my puppet. This eventually led to a civil war, which, because of how large and empty the place is, is a real peace of cake, just kinda walk in and claim back the land. The problem arose when New Zealand joined the opposit side, dragging out the war. I ended up attempting an invasion of the southern island but I haven’t done naval invasions in the game before and ended up losing all my divisions lol.

    And that’s pretty much where I’m at rn, I’m having a blast learning how to play and all I can hope is that it doesn’t fill my mind with alternate history that I will mix up with the real stuff :p

    Thursday July 18, 2024
  • Games


    Computer Science


    Today I learned

    Flappy Bird and learning something new

    So a few days ago in class we have finally started learning some basic python, nothing much, just variable types and functions. Anyway I’m talking about this because in that class I began goofing off and started to tinker with making a simple game in pygame while everyone else was making a calculator. I eventually ended on flappy bird because it fit well into the skills that I had with pygame at that point. Didn’t get far in that short class but after school I came back and actually kept working on it because it was a lot of fun.

    I found it fun to work on something outside a traditional game engine. I’ve tried before but never really got far but idk, it was different this time. I ended up enjoying working on it so much that I kept working on it, polishing and making interesting things like looping backgrounds, showing text, messing with sprites and collisions.

    All of this to say that working outside a game engine and learning something new was really refreshing (who knew…) and I hope I can do more of this kinda thing from now on, just doing something different and fun.

    Thursday April 18, 2024
  • Games


    Computer Science


    Today I learned

    Hole in one… Year!

    Today I continued my now habbit of switching projects daily by finishing what I wanted to do with the mining game (infinite world and saving/loading) before I was reminded of a game me and a friend made a while ago for a game jam that we wanted to keep working on. Long story short today I added multiplayer to this: Hole in one… Year!.

    We are also working on adding cosmetics that show up both in single and multiplayer (Bread, the friend I’m working with has made some amazing cosmetic items that I can’t wait to implement into the game). Because of our plans for the game we havent yet released the multiplayer (and all the other tweaks we have made since the game jam) onto itch. We are waiting to finish cosmetics + some other things before we do that. We havent even let most of our other friends know we are working on it again (shows them for not reading my blog).

    Anyway I’m actually really proud of myself for finishing an update like this in a single day to such a high standard and I can’t wait to impress the 1 person (my Dad) that reads my blog when it releases.

    Or I loose interest in the project again and it never ends up seeing the light of day but on this side of the internet we try to stay positive so lets hope that never happens 👍

    Monday February 5, 2024
  • Games


    Computer Science


    Today I learned

    Procedural Generation Mayhem

    So ages and ages ago I had a really early build of a kind of terraria/minecraft inspired 2d side scrolling procedural generation simulator. It was mostly built of of copied code and I had no idea how the procedural generation part of it worked but I was really proud of it and even managed to get a working chunk streaming and save and load system. So today I thought I would open it and just fuck around adding stuff that I felt like, but on opening it, it was so unstable that it wouldn’t actually run for me so I ended up saying ‘fuck it’ and making a new branch of the repo to re-write it and hopefully get some experience making an actual procedural game myself.

    I knew the basics of Perlin noise and heighmaps and all that jazz but I decided now was to time to see if I had what it takes to make it myself from scratch and so far I think I’ve done pretty well.

    I kept a bunch of the player code (no reason re-making that when I already have a perfectly fine bean running around) and sprites but all of the terrain, chunking, and block systems are now gone. As of writing I have gotten a basic setup for chunks (so in future I can work on infinite terrain) and some VERY basic Perlin noise based procedural generation. I’ve got a lot of numbers I can fuck around with and I’ve made something that looks promising (See image below).

    If you are interested in the code I’ve gotten so far its on the GitHub Repository here: Mining Game Re-Write

    The values I am using for the generation can also be seen in the attached images

    Sunday February 4, 2024