Procedural Generation Mayhem

So ages and ages ago I had a really early build of a kind of terraria/minecraft inspired 2d side scrolling procedural generation simulator. It was mostly built of of copied code and I had no idea how the procedural generation part of it worked but I was really proud of it and even managed to get a working chunk streaming and save and load system. So today I thought I would open it and just fuck around adding stuff that I felt like, but on opening it, it was so unstable that it wouldn’t actually run for me so I ended up saying ‘fuck it’ and making a new branch of the repo to re-write it and hopefully get some experience making an actual procedural game myself.

I knew the basics of Perlin noise and heighmaps and all that jazz but I decided now was to time to see if I had what it takes to make it myself from scratch and so far I think I’ve done pretty well.

I kept a bunch of the player code (no reason re-making that when I already have a perfectly fine bean running around) and sprites but all of the terrain, chunking, and block systems are now gone. As of writing I have gotten a basic setup for chunks (so in future I can work on infinite terrain) and some VERY basic Perlin noise based procedural generation. I’ve got a lot of numbers I can fuck around with and I’ve made something that looks promising (See image below).

If you are interested in the code I’ve gotten so far its on the GitHub Repository here: Mining Game Re-Write

The values I am using for the generation can also be seen in the attached images

Techyte @Techyte