Flappy Bird and learning something new

So a few days ago in class we have finally started learning some basic python, nothing much, just variable types and functions. Anyway I’m talking about this because in that class I began goofing off and started to tinker with making a simple game in pygame while everyone else was making a calculator. I eventually ended on flappy bird because it fit well into the skills that I had with pygame at that point. Didn’t get far in that short class but after school I came back and actually kept working on it because it was a lot of fun.

I found it fun to work on something outside a traditional game engine. I’ve tried before but never really got far but idk, it was different this time. I ended up enjoying working on it so much that I kept working on it, polishing and making interesting things like looping backgrounds, showing text, messing with sprites and collisions.

All of this to say that working outside a game engine and learning something new was really refreshing (who knew…) and I hope I can do more of this kinda thing from now on, just doing something different and fun.

Techyte @Techyte