Been thinking about the discrepancy between the United States campaign season vs most other western democracy’s. The us campaigns last for months and months, candidates spending literally billions on pushing themselves forward. This is in contrast to most of the rest of the world where “election season” really only lasts a few weeks. You going about your life and then it’s like “oh ok I guess there is an election in a few weeks”. The only indicator are maybe some signs around that advertise a candidate.

One potential reason for this could be the age of US elections. Over time they may have simply gotten longer because people realised that if you campaign for longer you’re more likely to get more votes. This makes sense because US democracy is arguably one of not the oldest surviving democracy in the world. On the other hand though, if that were the case then burgeoning democracy’s should have really short campaign times compared to established ones. But this doesn’t hold up either, with places like Spain and Latin American nations current democratic systems being younger than say, France or the UK and yet still having similar campaign lengths. No. I think the problem, if we call it that, is more subtle.

Part of the reason I believe that us election cycles last so much longer than others, is because of the timing of an election. The US is very unique in that presidential elections are held at predictable, consistent times, every 4 years, in November. This means that candidates can time everything out years in advance, planning to the minute when and where parts of the campaign will occur. In contrast, Australia for example, does have a maximum term length, but the prime minister can just call an election whenever they want, leading to unpredictability in the election timing. This means campaigns will hold out until they know when it will occur to begin, which usually only leaves them a few weeks. The reason they wait is because they don’t want to start to early or to late, to late and they give their opponents a leg up, and they don’t want to start early because of the other half of this coin.

In most major democracy’s across the globe, campaign spending is heavily regulated, every cent, dollar, pound or euro that is spent is recorded and monitored, candidates are required to stay within a certain limit, in order to prevent, well, a situation like what is the case in the US. Yet again, America is unique in that there are basically no limits on the amount of money candidates can spend, sure the people who run the election need to know what campaigns are spending their money on, but they don’t limit it. This is the reason I believe US elections are so bloated, drawn out and just take forever. Candidates can spend as much money as they want meaning they don’t have to conserve resources the way other candidates in other democracy’s do, they just gogogo from the moment they can with nothing to stop them.

US elections aren’t longer because the US candidates are smarter than the rest of the world, they are longer, because they can be.

tried something a bit different here, in my head it sorta plays out like a mystery crime thing, not sure it comes across as that tho, anyway I hope you found this interesting and/or laughed because I got something wrong, either way. Bye