plays spiderverse music Lets do this again…

holla. Watched Napolean today. REALLY good at the start especially with the siege of toulon. It gets iffy after his corronation and theres this really long hit about him trying to get an heir that could have been spent on his Russian Campaign or any of the other battles. The 3rd act is really fast and obviously needed more time. They skip over basically everything after his kid (with the exception of the battle of Waterloo) and his later life is just not done justice. It feels to me like it was intended to be a 3.5-4 hour movie but they were forced to cut it down to show in theaters. One thing that I think was done well but still could have done with more time was the Battle of Waterloo, it didn’t really talk about how important it was and if you haden’t heard about it before it was kinda out of the blue but I really liked it as a battle scene. Theres one bit where the English all form squares and shoot down thre circling French cavalry that for some reason I just LOVED (but also hated because the French were litterally just going in circles like wtf do something lol). Anyway it was a very accurate movie, looked and sounded as I would expect from this kind of movie and all it needed is a longer runtime to become one of the best movies of the year. Oh also before I forget the acting was amazing, especially Pheonix just captured everything about Napolean perfectly.