The Coriolis Effect

Was absent mindedly staring at a globe of mine and I randomly started thinking about the earths spin. From the perspective of the northern hemisphere, the earth spins counterclockwise, but from the perspective of the southern hemisphere, the earth spins clockwise. It got me thinking about tornados and cyclones so I did some digging and found out about the Coriolis Effect (which I had heard of before but never knew what it did). The Coriolis Effect basically describes how moving objects not attatched to the earths surface curve over large distances (amazing article about it on national geographic). Anyway this means that the air traveling from the high pressure areas of a cyclone (outskirts) to the low pressure area (the eye) curves due to the Coriolis Effect! This is why tornados and cyclones spin!

Anyway I just got caught up in a small rabbit hole and thought Iā€™d share it šŸ‘šŸ¼

Techyte @Techyte